
Monday, May 17, 2010

Google Voice for Student

Yeah, Google has a fast lane for students. For You and to those who wants google voice and has student email address with .edu, get it faster.
visit this link to get google invitation:
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Friday, May 14, 2010

Android Market Reached 50.000 Application

In just 18 months, the number of applications in the Android Market successfully penetrated 50 000 applications. The numbers are still far from application in Apple's App Store, but growth is very high from day to day could make it competitive.

Google has an initiative to build a platform based on open sources stated in December 2009 and there are 16 000 new applications. Mid-March 2010, the number of applications doubled nearly twice to 30,000 applications.

Finally, the AndroLib site's launched new statistics that show the Android application market has reached 50 000 units. Each with a ratio of 59 percent and 41 percent free apps paid applications.

For comparison, Apple's App Store application on the same figure reached 50 000 applications within 12 months since its launch. Now, more than 190 000 applications in Apple's stock is.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In the Era of Mobile, HTML5 will Win

It is undeniable Flash has become an important part in the virtual world. A lot of multimedia content that provides animation and video using Adobe technologies such. However, as technological developments, which are proprietary Flash start rivaled other more flexible technology.

In fact, Apple, one of the main players in the computer and the smartphone business today refused Flash in all devices. The reason is Flash difficult to grow and does not match the demands of the times.

Apple is very confident that web standards supports must be opened. Rather than using Flash, Apple would prefer to adopt HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript- it's all open standards.

Apple even create open standards for web, called WebKit-HTML5 readers, the engine based on open source that are now used broser Android, Nokia, and later BlackBerry. They believed that Open standards created in the era of mobile like HTML5 will win in mobile devices and even PC.
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